Help Error Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Hello, I am trying to run the project and I get the following error when debugging, please help.

Hey @fabian.zenteno so when you are running your project before running it compiling hfirst then after that run the project and in your scenario at the time of compiling it give you the error means and null variable or activity giving this cause so before running can you check your activity or better use Analyze Project in the ribbon Tab.


Hi @singh_sumit thanks for your prompt response, when using Analyze File I get this, should I fix these warnings?

The “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error occurs when you try to access or use a variable that is null or empty. It means that the variable has not been initialized or assigned any value, and you’re attempting to access data from it. Ensure the variable is properly initialized before accessing its data. Additionally, it’s a good practice to remove unused variables or activities from your workflows to avoid potential issues and improve performance.

@fabian.zenteno no these are just warning Like naming convention and same activity name might be the possibility is like there is a null variable value or like you are trying to get value from an object that is not having such the index position item . aur check your sequence is there any xaml file which giving error on it.
ohh and one more thing that i noticed can you check if this datatable you create variable type is datatable and what value you are passing on it because if this datatable is wrong initalized or empty data on it and you are trying to perform any operation on it it throw the (NULL REFERNCE EXCEPTION)