Hi guys I have a URL which brings me to this XML format page.
I need to check if certain values are present here?
Please advise, should I download before?
Best Regards
Hi guys I have a URL which brings me to this XML format page.
I need to check if certain values are present here?
Please advise, should I download before?
Best Regards
Hi @hurmet.noka
Use Get Text activity to get the text from web page later use if condition to check the certain values present or not.
Thank you, there is no way to extract whole info using just the URL ?
You can try to use the URL for the HTTP Request activity and use the downloaded XML for the later extraction
I Will try that, can I then convert XML to a more readable form for data extraction Peter?
You are really a savior
here we would recommend to clear the details on what is aimed / focused
then derive the access needs and keep in mind the structures
Once these factors are cleared we can think about the next steps
I downloaded the resource via HTTP request, now i can read it and have it in a string format.
How can I search for a “sku” and if found extract the related data of that product
can you share XML as text file?
In general we do:
Deserialize XML Activity - output xDoc
myFirstSKU = xDoc.Root.Descendants("sku")(0).Value
INVENTORY.txt (3.4 MB)
Just a few samples:
Looping over the all product elemente - e.g. feeding to a for each activity
Collecting all skus:
Okay thank you so much,
after extracting all SKUs, then I assume we loop through to find the correct match, and fidning the index with which we may extract the other relevant data, is that correct sir?
XML in text is invalid.
Make it valid by removing the XMP element at begin
AND also remove the ending XMP element at the end
You are correct sir, thank you so much.
One last thing after xDoc.Root.Descendants(“product”).Where(Function (x) x.Element(“sku”).Value.Equals(sku)).FirstOrDefault()
How do we get the values between tags?
Just open a new topic and start it with the new question scope along with some more elaborations. We scope topics that other researchers can easier find answers for their similar questions, Thanks for support
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