hi, how can i group by Project, and combine the Order ID for the rows grouped.
expected output:
hi, how can i group by Project, and combine the Order ID for the rows grouped.
expected output:
Please try this in assign
dtOutput =
(From d In DtInput.AsEnumerable()
Group d By k=d("Project").toString.Trim Into grp = Group
Let jn = String.Join(",",grp.Select(function(x) x("Order ID").ToString))
Let ra = New Object(){k,jn}
Select r = DTOutput.Rows.Add(ra)).CopyToDataTable()
First create a datatatble with two columns using Build Datatble activity ,dtInput is the Input DataTable and dtoutput is the output table which is created using build datatable activity
Hi @syezids
Use the following query for this:
(From row In dt.AsEnumerable()
Group row By orderId=row("Order ID") Into Group
Let concatenatedValues = String.Join(",", Group.Select(Function(r) r("Column1").ToString() + "," + r("Column2").ToString() + "," + r("Column3").ToString()))
Select dtResult.Rows.Add(orderId, concatenatedValues)).CopyToDataTable()
Sample Input:
Order ID | Product | Quantity |
1001 | Apple | 2 |
1001 | Orange | 3 |
1002 | Banana | 4 |
1003 | Mango | 1 |
1003 | Pineapple | 2 |
1003 | Watermelon | 2 |
Sample Output:
Order ID | Products |
1001 | Apple,Orange |
1002 | Banana |
1003 | Mango,Pineapple,Watermelon |
You can change the query according to your need.
Hope this helps,
Best Regards.
hi @arjunshenoy and @Anil_G ,
both of your query gives me duplicate rows:
i want the remaining rows to be omit
@Anil_G @arjunshenoy nvm its my fault, im assigning the wrong dt for output
thanks for fast response!
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