Google Calendar search


I try to use google calendar for one of my projects.

I would like to search if an Event already exists. There is an activity for this : Search Events

But, when i use it, i only see empty results :

Second question : i can create an Event, but i can’t use the attendee part. I don’t understand how to create the array of strings.

Can you help me ?


Hello Sophie,

What you output does not necessarily mean that it is empty, what you are seeing is the data type, which states it’s an array of Event. To get the number, you would have to use the Length.

I would strongly recommend going through the UiPath training in order to understand collections. If you want something quick, consider looking at StackOverflow or the Microsoft documentation.


Thank you for your answer, i have followed all the trainings on UiPath Academy, but i have the feeling that array for GoogleAgenda have some specifications i can’t understand :confused: