GetoutlookMialMessage_Filter Subject Line


I am not able to filter the Subject line in Getoutlookamailmessages:
I was given as below:
My Subject line:“CID 07.06.2023”

Filter:“@SQL=”“urn:schemas:httpmail:subject”" like ‘%CID%’"

if I given any other subject line its working fine .

What’s the issue please check and suggest anyone


Hi @vr10

Can you try like:

@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:subject LIKE '%CID%’

You used too many quotes.

Hi @vr10

Please try the following filter expression:

"@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:subject LIKE '%CID%'"

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

sorry It’s not working.

Studio Version is:2020.2.0-beta.108
Mail Activity Version is=1.20.0


sorry It’s not working.

Not Taken That Subjectline


I did find another thing:
Can you try with this:

“@SQL=”“”" like ‘%CID%’"

Please replace the quotes and double quotes again, sometimes while copying it doesn’t goes correctly.


“@SQL=”“”" like ‘%CID%’"


Well, in that case, kindly use the following expression:

"@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:subject LIKE '%CID%'"

As per the testing, it is working fine:

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

[quote=“arjunshenoy, post:8, topic:552224”]
“@SQL=urn:schemas:httpmail:subject LIKE ‘%CID%’”

It’s Working but taken as a different one, not a particular Mail.

One more thing I have to mention: I forwarded this email to someone and I changed it to the Mail folder as Sent Items then I will get them as the correct one.

If I give a Mail Folder as Inbox it will not take a particular one.

what’s the issue could you suggest me? is it an issue in the Subject line from the other side?



Can you please try this

"@SQL="""" like '%CID%'"


It’s Working Fine some other Technical Issues happened.

Thanks for Helping All

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