I have this Get Text Value which contains an ID, Email, etc…
I would like to get only the Application ID to be reset (zxzxzxzx) and Email (sample@email.com)
i’m having trouble with the Split function. PLEASE Help! Thank you.
I have this Get Text Value which contains an ID, Email, etc…
I would like to get only the Application ID to be reset (zxzxzxzx) and Email (sample@email.com)
i’m having trouble with the Split function. PLEASE Help! Thank you.
Hi @criskitz,
Can you post the data as text instead of image to test the solution.
sure here it is:
Application Login ID to be reset (not SSN): zxzxzxzx
AD ID: xxxxxxxx
Name: First, Last
Email: sample@email.com
Access To Email: No
Phone: 80800000
Manager Phone: 80800000
Manager Email: sample@email.com
Hi @criskitz,
You can use positive lookbehind and ahead to capture the group. For example you can use this regular expression to capture that group:
And for email it will be:
Your code should look like:
Matches(theWholeText, “(?<=AD\sID:\s*)\w*(?=\nName)”)
Alternatively you can split by new line so one of those iterations will have “AD ID: xxxxxxxx” and the use replace and replace "AD ID: " with “”.
Hi @criskitz,
Here I have attached the source to get the application id and email.
File : AppString.zip (2.0 KB)
You are awesome!!! working great but i do not understand the vb.net