so todays emails are emails within the range of
>now.AddDays(-1) 23:59 And < now.AddDays(1) 00:00
>= now 00:00 and <= now 23:59
so todays emails are emails within the range of
>now.AddDays(-1) 23:59 And < now.AddDays(1) 00:00
>= now 00:00 and <= now 23:59
“@SQL=(” + “”“” + “urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived” + “”“” + " >= ‘“+“dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm tt”+”’)"
Try to use this
hi Peter
Tq for helping this
It’s not working…
from our tests we can agree to @Dmitri00007 that provided filter approach was working instead of [Reveived] and its variations
As we filtered direct to a single email (described above) and then enlarged the filter period (also described above) we quickly found out the working filter statement. So, we would also recommend to do a dame RnD.
In case of you feel that there is bug then just provide all details
So others can try to replicate or give feedback on its success on the test
Tq for helping me.
Studio Version is 2022.4.4
Versions: UiPath.System.Activities v22.4.4
UIPath.Mail.Activities v1.16.0
Details to the implementation
selected targetframework
we did the 1 replication RnD round and will inspect next the behaviour. Currently we identified a non working scenario.
give a try for RnD purpose on hardcoded filter
set Top=30
"( ([ReceivedTime] > '10/08/2022') AND ( [ReceivedTime] < '12/08/2022' ) )"
when it is returning yesterdays mail delete top = 30
run again
repeat two tests again for
set Top 30
"( ([ReceivedTime] > '08/10/2022') AND ( [ReceivedTime] < '08/12/2022' ) )"
when it is returning yesterdays mail delete top = 30
run again
Let us know the results
Kindly note we were able to get the emails, but our local format is dd/MM/yyyy. So regardless which local format is in use at your end we would like to find any triggers when it is working and when it is failing
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