Get outlook Mail Message Date with Time Filter

Hello creator ,

Here is the solution for filter email messages with date and time.

outlook 24 HRS = HH

“[ReceivedTime]>='” +D_Date_Time.ToString(“dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm”)+“'”

outlook - 12 HRS = hh

“[ReceivedTime]>='” +D_Date_Time.ToString(“dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm”)+“'”

Srenivasan Kannan


Hi @SrenivasanKanna

I want to know how we can justify saying 24 hr format is HH and 12 hr format is hh

a small example

Ashwin S


You can set your outlook timezone as per your wish.

To change the time zone, perform the following:

  1. Click the File tab.
  2. Click Options.
  3. Click Calendar.
  4. Under Time Zones , type a name for the current time zone in the Label box.
  5. In the Time zone list, click the time zone that you want to use.

Srenivasan Kannan

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That’s part of the .Net specification for formatting DateTime objects.

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