Get files from folders and then get the latest one


I need to get all files from folders for example I have three folders and files inside each. I have to get all files from all folders and then get the one that is the newest so I can later compare the date with another file.

Hi @markosc

What is the criteria for latest?
Modified Time or Creation Time

Creation time


Try this

Directory.GetFiles("C:\TestFolder","*",SearchOption.AllDirectories).OrderBy(Function (x) Directory.GetCreationTime(x)).Last

Give the path of main folder inside which are the subfolders.



But I said I have more then one folder for example:

Then I have to get files from both folders and then from the file list get the latest created one.


Please see the updated post

Directory.GetFiles("C:\TestFolder","*",SearchOption.AllDirectories).OrderBy(Function (x) Directory.GetCreationTime(x)).Last

Give the path of main folder inside which are the subfolders.



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Thank you!

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