So you want to aggregate the CustomerNo Rows for each group and find the MIn of Days And Sum of Cash?
In general this will be done with a Group by using a custom component from e.g Go or a Custom LINQ statement.
If LiNQ should be reduced and you want to keep the control you can do it with following technique:
Build the distinct CustomerNos with: YourDataTableVar.AsEnumerable.Select(Function ( r ) r(CustomerColIdxOrName).toStrin.Trim).Distinct.ToArray - returning a String array e.g Customers
Then with a for each iterate over Customers and use the value within a Filter Data Table
On the filtered row result Min, Sum can done with:
dtFilteredVar.AsEnumerable.Min(function (r) Cint(r(ColIndexOrName).toString.Trim)
dtFilteredVar.AsEnumerable.Sum(function (r) Cint(r(ColIndexOrName).toString.Trim)
with the index out from for each you can build the counting Number of the Customers
Is it possible that you can share sample excel file?