Get data from excel and validate

Hello, I have an excel file as a database and I have different columns such as ID, Name etc…
Now, I need to check each of this data and validate it for example the first letter of ID must be a char not an int, or a Name cant have a number in it. If there is a cell which is not valid I need to copy the info in that cell and paste it somewhere with the reason why its not valid.

Any help would be much appreciated!!!

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Hi @vl60

Welcome to the community.

1.Use Excel Application Scope activities.
2.Use Read Range Activites
3.Use ForeachRow Activities to iterate in the loop.
4.Use Assign Activity and create a Datatable variable and set the properties of ReadRange Activities output for this variable.
5.Use If condition activites for your desired condition upon looping.

Note: You can use Regex for the patern of your condition or just parsing and get the exception if its not on your desired patern.

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:

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Hi @pattyricarte - Could you please help me the steps on below scenario!

I have an excel with email ids. I ll search the emails one by one in google. If it is available i ll mark as Valid if not as Invalid.

1.Read your excel with read range workbook to
read the email addresses from the Excel sheet.
2. Open the open browser activity and pass the url
of google.
3. Take for each row datatable activity and pass
the variable of readrange workbook output
4. In for each row datatsble take type into and use
like this condition=
currentrow(“emailcloumnname”). ToString
5.after that you Use If condition activity for your
desired condition upon looping.

Then = if it matches you can set as valid
Else = set as not valid

Cheers @Ebin_Raj