I wanted to do an automation where I want to get the names of all the sub-folder and save it in a excel or list. Can someone help me with this? I am new to UIPath
Hi @Author_Community ,
Is this what you were looking for?
Directory.GetDirectories(str_folderPath,"*.*",SearchOption.AllDirectories).OrderBy(Function(o) o.ToString).ToList()
You can then use a For Each Activity to Loop through each item in the List and assign it to your DataTable either by overwriting it or by adding a new DataRow.
DirectoryGrabbinSequence.xaml (8.6 KB)
Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K
This looks good, but there is an issue for execution, it throws an error.
Hi @Author_Community ,
Could you verify whether the TypeArgument for the For Each is String?
Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K
You could try adding a ToString after the Split operation - attach it to the Last().
Also, could you verify whether you have passed in the array into the ArrayRow and not the DataRow field?
I am assuming that you are using the sequence I shared?
Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K
I am using the StudioX platform, can that answer be shared as an equivalen to StudioX. As in it I see the Add Data Row or Add List as a Row in the options of Add Data Rows
Hi @Author_Community ,
Not a problem, one last thing, could you try passing in the array to the third field in the Add Data Row Activity and let me know if that works?
Meanwhile I’ll figure something out in StudioX.
Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K
Another error means we are making progress!
Now, when you building the DataTable, you have to define two columns since we are adding two items into it.
I’m not sure exactly how we can add that, my UiPath is taking a while to switch over to StudioX, give me some time.
Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K
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