GenAI activity in UiPath Studio

I used to build a robot using GenAI activities in Studio Web. However, when I want to build a new robot in the desktop Studio, I can’t find the GenAI activities. Are they unavailable in desktop Studio? If no how can I enable them?

Thanks for your help!


Install this package in your project and you should be able to see the activities


Also follow this event video on how to setup for Studio desktop.


Here is a sample code for Studio desktop.

Hi @ashokkarale I tried to search for this package but I can’t find it


Hope you already have a GenAI connection connected on Integration Services. If not, create it and refresh the data manager. Your GenAI connection should be reflected in Connections tab on Data Manager.

Also download and open this code. It is setup for demo.

Hi @chunkin.zhang

You can’t find it easily if you click on official & then search integration. You do it need to scroll a little.


Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much! It helps

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