Framework for citizen development

Hi @rahulsharma nice to see your answer on the citizen developer. Thanks for involving me in this. Hi @krisvandenbergh welcome back to forum.

  1. Yeah I agree @rahulsharma on the first point it is very hard to manage multiple tenants better we should go with folders. We can manage easily citizen developers users in the folders. and also citizen developer projects are not always attended most of them are going for un attended automations in this case you have to go for federated model to organize the folder in tenant.

  2. I agree with rahul on this point.

  3. For citizen developer program governance is the main key point for success and it is very critical since citizen developers are very new to the RPA and they are not aware of much on studiox and what it can do so there is lot of chance that they can do mistakes it can effect our critical applications or environment in our organization. You have to keep right policies for them and you have to impose those policies strictly to those users. there are two ways we can impose governance policies.

Example policies are like restricting the citizen developers to access critical applications and restrict citizen developers to create infinite loops in the work flow etc.

a) we can impose governance policies directly on the studiox of the citizen developers. By using work flow analyser we can impose policies and enforce them in the same place.

b) we can impose governance policies through orchestrator (Automation Op) this feature available on the cloud and also latest on prem orchestrators as a different automation suite.

Please refer the below links

feel free to ask if you have any more questions we are happy to help you. thanks.
