"For Each Row in input add to dictionary: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Hello All,
As I run the sequence I am getting an error with: “For Each Row in input add to dictionary: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”

I have a folder that has images of receipts and want these receipts to be moved into different folders depending on their category Hotel/Food/Travel. UIPath will read into an xlsx that contains all the name of the images with its category. Process: It will be reading the excel file then moving the images from one file to another depending on its category which is found in the spreadsheet.

I have attached the project, so if anyone wants to look in the problem.

ThanksRPAReceipts.zip (223.5 KB)

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Hi @Asoom

The datatable nameToCategoryDT is null. I think you missed to add the datatable to the output of Excel read range
