Hi, how to check if currentrow and next two rows from currentrow are empty? I know how to check for currentrow but I don’t know how to check for the next two row
Hi @arina
By using currentrow index+1 and index+2 like that you can check it empty or not
Kaviyarasu N
Hope thew following helps you.
dt.AsEnumerable.Skip(idx).Take(3).All(Function(r) String.IsNullOrEmpty(r("ColumnName").ToString))
String.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentRow("ColumnName").ToString) AndAlso (idx+1>=dt.Rows.Count OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows(idx+1)("ColumnName").ToString)) AndAlso (idx+2>=dt.Rows.Count OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows(idx+2)("ColumnName").ToString))
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