Finding Hexadecimals(\u0002) through Regex


In my string, I have hexadecimal values like \u001, \u0003 etc
I am using “Is Match” activity to check if the string contains specific words. But if this hexadecimal is present in the string, the results are not proper.

Example: If I am searching for “UiPath Academy”, the string contains data as “UiPath\u0002\Academy”.
So, this doesn’t return TRUE.

Please do help me whether there is some option in regex to ignore hexadecimals.

Saranya K R


Patience is a virtue and hopefully you still need a solution.

Try this Regex pattern:

You will then just need add Match/group 1 and 3 together.

Here is how you can get each result individually

Match 1:
Match 2:
Match 3:

Then Use an Assign activity like this:
Result = INSERTVARIABLE(0).Groups(1).ToString + INSERTVARIABLE(0).Groups(3).ToString

Just replace capital letters with your variable.

If this helped you, please mark as resolved :slight_smile: