Finding a file based on a partial pathway

Please see photo attached:

I have these pathways here, and can only provide the first P number, how can I find the whole pathway for example if I only have P1311271 in the robot?

I also need to find all if there are day 5 files for this number


Hi @aquinn

Use wild card(*) after the P number in the file path.

And how would I manage to find all of the pathways if there are say 5 files with the P number


Check with this,

DirectoryInfo("YourDir").GetFiles().Select(Function(file) file.Name.Contains("SearchString")).ToArray()

Thank you, and then just use a for each row to determine what I do with each file?


Use directiry.getfiles(“folder_path”,“P number*.pdf”)

This will get all the similar name files into an array then use for each for further process.

Hope it helps.


You will get list of files for each search if it matches with number in the filename

How do i use this in an assign or what activity do i use it with


You need to give P1311271 in P number like this

Use Directiry.GetFiles(“folder_path”,“P1311271*.pdf”)

How do i set this so P number is a variable opposed to fixed text


Store the fixed part in a variable and pass like this:
str_path = “P1311271”
Use Directiry.GetFiles(“folder_path”,"str_path.tostring+*.pdf”)


My bad
Use Directiry.GetFiles(“folder_path”,str_path.tostring+"*.pdf”)

Thank you, then do I just need to use a for each to iterate through the files? and store this in a string array?


Based on the next process.
What’s the next process. what do you want to do with these files?

I just need to print out all of the complete pathways


Then use for each loop and print the paths beacuse these paths are all stored in a array.

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