Find First/Last Data Row - Bug or Feature?


I was playing with Excel activities today and found interesting “feature” of Find First/Last Data Row activity. The description of find “First empty row” says that it “return first row that is empty” , however it ignores the single empty cells. The activity work fine if there’s 2 cells break though.
Tested on both UiPath.Excel.Activities 2.12.3 and 2.16.0

To ilustrate it.

  1. In this case 5 is the first empty row.
    However the output is 7.

  2. In this case 5 is still the first empty row.
    The output is 5 as expected.

I’m not sure whether is a feature (UiPath check row + 1 and +2 while estimating data range) or a bug but couldn’t find any topic on it.

@loginerror might need your help here.

Hi @GT_Ropa ,

Could you also provide us with the Sample Excel sheet that you have used for the Test, we could confirm from our ends as well if we do get the same outputs for the file that you have already tested (in order to avoid more back and forth replies) and it will be more helpful for clarifications.

Hi @GT_Ropa ,

There is property in the Find First/Last Data row activity blank rows to skip we have to set this as to zero so that it will not skip first blank row. default value for this property is set to 1. please change it to zero so that your both scenarios will work.


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