Hello, I need to find the duplicates in a excel column, but I want to use excel activities not the workbook ones.
I have something like this:
I I need that duplicates to have a specific format (idk, bold for example)
IDCol 10 80
67 10
20 80
How can I do that? It seems that For each row doesn’t work as I expected. I tried like I would do with other language (like openpyxl in python)to use two for loops and to compare the first item with entire column, then the second with the column and so on.
one of many options is to use LINQ and calculate the duplicated values ( we do read range and work on datatable base). Let us know if you have more interest on this
arrDupCol1Vaues =
From d in YourDataTable.AsEnumerable
Group d by k=d("IDCol1").toString.Trim into grp=Group
Where grp.Count > 1
Select x = k).toArray
Another method to get unique values you can directly read the data into a datatable and then
uniquedt = Dt.Defaultview.ToTable(true,{"IDCol"})
If you want to make the specific one bold…
Initialize a list(L1)new list(of string) , Then loop through dt and then inside the loop you can use if condition to check if the list contains the currentrowitem …L1.any(function(x) currentrow("IDCol").Tostring.Contains(x))
In the else side use the below logic to make it bold(send ctrl+B)…and leave the then part blank