How can i get my Device id generated by UI Path?
Please guide me on this.
How can i get my Device id generated by UI Path?
Please guide me on this.
Open UiPath studio and go to help, there you can find the Device ID
Studio 2019.10.2 - 12/9/2019
Enterprise Trial License
Windows Installer
Expires in 8 weeks
License Provider: Internal
Activation ID: UIP-730633d4ca
Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit
.NET Framework Version 4.7.2 or later
There is no device id available in the help section.
In this case you need to find the path of the studio in your computer, check for regutil.exe in Uipath folder.
Open command prompt and navigate to the regutil.exe file path
there you need to write
regutil.exe get-info
It will give you device ID
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