Find and Replace in Excel

Hi @aspin13,

Here is an activity called “Find Replace” in the below package. It may be useful solve the issue.


Hii Priyanka,

If your problem resolved, can you share your xaml file.

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Hi Nimin,
Thank you for sharing this VBA file. I wanted to know is it possible to then count and display how many times the VBA replaced the value?

Hie Sahil
i have a data in excel in which particular values have value x i want to replace all those with 1 and null or blank value with 0 using uipath can you please help

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Hie Thasnia_Rob
i have a data in excel in which particular values have value x i want to replace all those with 1 and null or blank value with 0 using uipath can you please help

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Hello , I really hope I get your reply on this. I just used your find and replace method using VB code and it worked . but then I am only trying to do this find and replace in a particular column in one sheet. I.e in column J find ''yes ‘’ and replace with ‘‘No’’ of sheet1. Please help .thanks a lot

Hi Use the following vb.Net code in an invoke code activity

Dim xlApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim wb As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
xlApp = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(Path)
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = True

Path = is the file path to the excel sheet
SheetName = The sheet name
Value 1 = lookup value
Value2 = replace value1 with this value

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