Find all fields having empty values

I am checking 3 fields if they are empty or not using a if condition,
String.IsNullOrEmpty(in_Quantity) OR String.IsNullOrEmpty(in_Reference) OR String.IsNullOrEmpty(in_DeliveryDate)
in then part, logging a message-> field value is missing
But how to specify which field has empty values?(there can be more than 1 field having empty value)

Are the fields that your referring to in excel?

No, i will be getting as input from main xaml

What’s there datatype?

String is the datatype

@Shilpa_Mohanty , Hey!!

Have you tried using IF ELSE block separately for all the 3 condition
Ex :

{ \\ log message for Quantity
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(in_Reference)
{ \\ log message for Reference
{ \\ log message for DeliveryDate

Disadvantage of using this is

  1. your code will be deep nested!

In UiPath activity we have ELSE IF , do check out!

as per my knowledge, this activity used to specify new condition if the condition is false

{ \\ exp to be executed if condition1 is true
else if(Condition2)
{ \\ exp to be executed if condition2 is true
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What if both quantity and reference is empty
I need to have both the fields logged in as field quantity and reference is empty

Use three separate If-statements.

    \\ log message for Quantity

if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(in_Reference)
    \\ log message for Reference

    \\ log message for DeliveryDate

Hi @Shilpa_Mohanty

You can remove the else part like below

{ \ log message for Quantity
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(in_Reference)
{ \ log message for Reference
{ \ log message for DeliveryDate

Here you get all the variables that are empty.

can you give any linq query as there will be many if conditions

have a look at following idea

arrKeys = {“Quantity”,“Reference”,“DeliveryDate”}
arrValues = {in_Quantity,in_Reference,in_DeliveryDate}
arrResult =

arrKeys.Select(Function (x,i) If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(arrValues(i)), x,nothing)).Where(Function (x) Not isNothing(x)).toArray

with a particular length of parameters maybe using another datatype e.g. dictionary will be also a preferred option like

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You could also use a Dictionary:

dict = New Dictionary(Of String, String) From { {"Reference", in_Reference}, {"Quantity", in_Quantity}, {"DeliveryDate", in_DeliveryDate} }
errorMsg = String.Join(vbNewLine, dict.Where(Function(kvp) String.IsNullOrEmpty(kvp.Value)).Select(Function(k) k.Key + " is empty.").ToArray)

what is the datatype of arrKeys, arrValues and arrResult?
I tried array[String] but dint work as expected

It is Dictionary of String , String @Shilpa_Mohanty


These are string of array


String Array - VB.Net: String()

the good thing on screenshots from immediate panel is, that we have the confirmation that the code is running sucessfully. What was done / implemented at your end. What is not working as expected

Any reasons for not using the dictionary approach?

used dictionary only

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