Filter Table Activity for Starts With

I have an excel column which contains integers and I need to filter the column for values that starts with “5000”. I tried using the normal filter but it’s blank

Hi @O_Prince

Use Filter Data Table activity and you can give the condition as in image in Configure Filter section. Input data table is the data table you get when you read the excel and created a variable under Filtered Data Table section.

Hope it helps!!

I tried thus already but it returns a blank column. The starts with operation doesn’t work on integer values. Please how do i convert the all column values to a string


Try this syntax:

dataTable.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) row.Field(Of String)("columnName").StartsWith("5000")).CopyToDataTable()

Use the above syntax in Assign activity and store it in data Table.
Hope it works!!


Unfortuntelly, numeric value cannot be filitered by StartsWith inf Filter activity or FilterDataTable activity.

Can you try the following sample using LINQ ?

arrDr=dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) r("number").ToString.StartsWith("5000")).ToArray() (9.7 KB)

This outputs filterded datatable to “result” sheet.


It’s throwing an error saying character not valid

Under column name give the column name you have and remove the semicolon at last as it,s typing mistake.


It returned an empty sheet

Please can you create me a sample workflow to resolve this. It’s not working at all


Send the dummy data excel sheet data. I will get the error solved


Book1.xlsx (9.8 KB)
This is the dummy sheet. I want to get the values from Column “Numbers” that starts with “533477” and paste into a new sheet.


In this excel column Numbers is based on which column please specify.

Column E the column name is Numbers

HI @O_Prince

In Filter Data Table activity provide the condition as below image:

It’s is working at my end.


Hope it works!!

@O_Prince ,
Use an assign activity and in the right side type the below query
dt_test.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) row("Number").ToString().StartsWith("533477")).Select(Function(row) row("Number").ToString()).ToList()

And in left side keep a list variable

Below file is for your reference (10.7 KB)

Hope it helps you!


Or use this Linq Query:

Dt_result= Dt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) row.Field(Of String)("Number").StartsWith("533477")).CopyToDataTable()

Dt_result= datatype: DataTable




Can you try the following sample?

arrDr = dt.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) r("Number").ToString.StartsWith("533477")).ToArray() (18.0 KB)



Did it work for you? If yes, please mark it as solution so that it will help other members in the community.

Happy Automation :blush:

This worked, Thank you. Please what if there are more than one number start with formats for example values that start with both 533477 and 123456. Then it writes them to the new sheet

Hi @O_Prince

You can use this Linq query:

Dt.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(row) row.Field(Of String)("Number").StartsWith("533477") AndAlso row.Field(of String)("Number").StartsWith("123456")).CopyToDataTable()

Hope it works!