I need to execute a Bot so that it takes only the rows which haven’t got a string in the column “Esito Pre Disdetta”.
I have to skip the rows containing the value in this column and process only the remaining rows.
How is it possible?
Thank you so much,
I’ll try.
But as my workflow is organised in a way in which it should recognise the current index of row,
is it possible to get the index of the first row with “[Esito Pre Disdetta]=‘’”?
Thank you so much,
Let us take dta as the DataTable obtained by reading your Excel Sheet.
drABC is the DataRow Array which will contain only rows where column"Esito Pre Disdetta" value is Empty.
drABC = (From p In dta.Select
where string.IsNullOrEmpty(p("Esito Pre Disdetta").ToString)
Select p).TOArray
Thank you so much @MAHESH1.
Is it possible to filter the datatable so that it selects the row with the colums “Esito Pre Disdetta” set to a null value(already done) or to “data non presente nelle email” ?
Maybe with an Or option.
Thank you so much?
drABC = (From p In dta.Select
where string.IsNullOrEmpty(p("Esito Pre Disdetta").ToString) or p("Esito Pre Disdetta").ToString.Equals(" “data non presente nelle email”)
Select p).TOArray