Hi All,
I tried filter email with following condition.
Subject=mail report(error)
Received date=last two days
I tried the following code, but not working.
“[subject]=‘(mail report(error))’ AND [Received] >= ‘"+DateTime.now.Date.AddDays(-2).Date.tostring(“dd/MM/yyyy”)+ "’"
I also tried following code:
“@SQL=%today(urn:schemas:httpmail:DateTime.now.Date.AddDays(-2).Date.tostring(“dd/MM/yyyy”))% AND urn:schemas:httpmail:subject Like '%” + (ftpexppd_accesslogfile report(Jousetu)) + “%’”
Uipath said I need end of equiation. I dont know where to put comas or double quoation.
If I run it, the error said.
Get Outlook Mail Messages: Cannot parse condition. Error at “@SQL=(urn:schemas:httpmail:subject LIKE …”.
On my example (using different Subject) I get a total of 100 mails at the start, and 4 when filtered, that are the mails with the desired subject, and from the last 2 days.