In filter datatable, I need to filter out values “S1” Or “S2” to S10. That is with one or two digits after S. Is there a way to specify this rule?
Thanks much,
In filter datatable, I need to filter out values “S1” Or “S2” to S10. That is with one or two digits after S. Is there a way to specify this rule?
Thanks much,
Col1 has values like “ABC-S1”, “ABC-S2”, “XYZ-SEER”. So I need to remove rows with Col1 ending with “S1”, that is S and a digit.
Thank you,
did you mean something like this?
Yes, do I have to list all S1 to S10?
Thank you,
do a while loop and the filter with that
FilteredDT = dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(x) x("yourColumn").ToString.Trim.ToLower.Contains("S" + Counter.ToString)).CopyToDataTable
Thank you!! @fernando_zuluaga
But I need to eliminate these rows.
FilteredDT = dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(x) Not(x("yourColumn").ToString.Trim.ToLower.Contains("S" + Counter.ToString))).CopyToDataTable
add “not” at the end of the function
Got it! Thanks @fernando_zuluaga, @muhammedyuzuak
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