Filter data not working

I am using a two column filter to save to a new sheet.
Column AJ gets filtered and column AT doesn’t get filtered. Any solution for it.

Hi @vignesh.maruthappan ,
Could you can share your file and your conditions

You are using OR which means it will keep rows where any of the three conditions are met. AND means all three conditions must be met.

[Book1.xlsx|attachment] (upload://gB0yp7IufZ4A3Lv1Egd5BsPAji5.xlsx) (53.3 KB)
want to filter pipe fitting, system pipe fitting and pipe accessories from column 1 and column 2 completed once.
Book1.xlsx (53.3 KB)

Tried not working to :pensive:

Check your data and see if you have extra spaces on the beginning/end of those values.

HI @vignesh.maruthappan ,
Let check this source (45.6 KB)
Data in folder
input is sheet1 and output is sheet2
Hope it help,