The below code checks complete dt word is present ArrTarget .
dt.AsEnumerable().Any(Function(r) (From val In arrTarget Where r.ItemArray.Any(Function(o) val.ToLower.Contains(o.ToString.ToLower))).Count > 0)
For example . Dt word
ArrTarget=[“Ordering” “the” “cake”]
Output is “True” .As dt contains “Order”
i need to get which word/words that got matched from the Datatable . Kindly help me to do it . I need to have an Log activity to log which word got from Dt got matched .
Instead of Word Column Name, use the column name which has the Words that you need to compare.
Also, You could use the Above Expression directly in a Log Message activity. If required as an Array, we could remove the String.Join() part and assign the Expression to an Array variable.