Facing issue in assign value to INT Array

Facing issue in assign value to INT Array
I have UiPath 2023.8.0 version

Hi @Ankit_shukla ,

no problem
my file
Sequence.xaml (5.7 KB)

Yes But I dont understand why Coming that error in my UiPath

I see you create process with c# language, I use vb
that is what you want?

Yes Sir I Created in C#

If you use c#
new int[] {1,2,3};
my step
Main.xaml (4.3 KB)


hope it help


Can you try as the following?

new Int32[] {1,2,3}



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Hi @Ankit_shukla
Delete that assign activity and add an new assign activity and give the same expression. It will solve the error.


Yes It is resolved thank you for suuport

Cheer @Ankit_shukla
Happy automation!

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