Extraction from UI Element


I have a UI element as such: “0kg (-0.03kg)”. I want to extract only the “-0.03” and have an if condition to compare if it is less than 1.

Can you help me please?

Hi @Yudhisteer_Chintaram1

After extraction of UI element

Use the below assign activitiy to extract the data

digit = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(input, "(?<=\().*(?=\))").value


Nived N :robot:

Happy Automation :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

@Yudhisteer_Chintaram1 You can use regex to collect the desired data

My element is assigned to a variable “text” like this:(for testing purpose only)

What is “input” in your code?


Hi @Yudhisteer_Chintaram1
as per your workflow, input is equal to text variable

Nived N
Happy Automation


Unfortunately I am having no output.

Can you help please?

@Yudhisteer_Chintaram1 - could you please show us your regex assign statement? and your ‘Open’ variable type?

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(text, “(?<=().*(?=))”).value

As advised by @NIVED_NAMBIAR

Try this entry:

output = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(your_String,"(?<=\().*(?=kg)").Value

as @Arpit_Kesharwani suggest you.

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This expression returns the empty string…that’s why you are getting the empty ouptut…

Whenever there is () involved in the text you should escape it with \ or else it will not work…

Please check the below Regex pattern…



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Hi @Yudhisteer_Chintaram1

Sorry , I typed correctly in forum but it appear in other way

Kindly check my response again

It is fine now


Thanks for the help:

Can you help me with this too please? They are related.

Thanks for the help.

Can you help me with this too please? They are related.

Thanks for the help.

Can you help me with this too please?
They are related.

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