Extracting specific data from HTML table

No. Your selector for Find Children activity should be indicating to the whole table. Not to any specific column.

As the name indicates, selector of the Filter should be the your employee name(in your case) that you want to click. Since in this case i am clicking on checkbox, i have kept that as the selector to filter.

Selector for the first row, first col:
<webctrl tag='TD' tableCol='1' tableRow='2' />
Similarly selector for the second row, first col:
<webctrl tag='TD' tableCol='1' tableRow='3' />

Hence i can define my selector for the whole list of checkboxes as:
<webctrl tag='TD' tableCol='1'/>

Since i want to click on 3rd row, I used ‘Get Attributes’ to retrieve the value of ‘tableRow’ which in my case is 3.
Putting that into an ‘If’ condition with a click activity will only click on that particular element. In your case you should be retrieving the attribute that has the name of the employee. May be ‘aaname’ and use that into an ‘If’ condition.

Let me know it its still not clear.

Rammohan B.