Extract specific value and table from pdf using document understanding

Hi Automation Developer,

I am trying to extract data from pdf invoice ex( Specific value and table) but I am getting table not the specific value, if I remove the table from the extractor I get the specific value. If try both It just add table not adding specific value.


In that case you can get the value and add them to a datatable as you want by adding them as datarow

Cheers @Majunu09

@Palaniyappan Hi Dude,
Thanks for the reply, as you said Ill add those value in datarow. But what if files contains 2-5 tables on the pdf and its comes on same rows not followed below.

So how you want the output to be like @Majunu09

@Palaniyappan Hi dude,
I want the output followed by the same column once value of table 1 its written like

table 1
sino item deliverydate qty
1 abc 01-10-2021 2
sino item deliverydate qty
1 dcv 01-10-2021 2
sino item deliverydate qty
1 xyz 01-10-2021 2
sino item deliverydate qty
1 abc 01-10-2021 2
1 dcv 01-10-2021 2
1 xyz 01-10-2021 2

I think it’s still fine to add Datarow as I could see the column structure is same for all the table
So that won’t be a problem
Pls go ahead

Cheers @Majunu09


table 1 table2 table3
sino item deliverydate qty sino item deliverydate qty sino item deliverydate qty
1 abc 01-10-2021 2 1 dcv 01-10-2021 2 1 xyz 01-10-2021 2
sino item deliverydate qty
1 abc 01-10-2021 2
1 dcv 01-10-2021 2
1 xyz 01-10-2021 2
for this output

@Palaniyappan data row for each should use. or only for each

Yeah initially it will give all the columns and once after all table data is added then us this expression to get the desired columns alone

dt = dt.DefaultView.Table(FALSE,”columnname1”,”columnname2”,….,”columnnameN”)

Mention the required columnname alone in the above expression to get those columns alone in the output datatable

Cheers @Majunu09

Hi @Palaniyappan ,
Can you share the XAML for this.

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