Extract name from the PDF

Hello guys,

I have multiple PDF’s in my directory. I want to extract the name of the person from each PDF. I tried using UiPath Clipboard but it didn’t go well.

Use string manipulation or regular expressions to extract the name from the extracted text.

Hi @Pranav_Sundar

You can use Regular Expressions or String Manipulation techniques to extract the name from the pdf file name. Share the input text so that I can help you with regular expressions.


Thanks for the response. But the name of the person can be located anywhere in the PDF. Because the PDF’s are resumes and they are in different format. Can Regex or string manipulation can be used in that case ?


If there are any common keywords or something in all the PDF then regular expressions will work.

Try sharing sample text files of two three formats so that we can look about regular expressions.


does that name have any Key ?

Eg ; i mean Name: XXXX

in above eg Name is key

SO in yours pdf does have any keys for recognize names?

1.pdf (180.2 KB)
Resume ponniah.pdf (52.5 KB)
Resume_Pranav.pdf (26.8 KB)

Please find the Sample Resumes that I will be working on. Please expect more different format of resumes also.


I don’t have such keywords. Since they are resumes of different formats.



Give me sometime bro. I will check out with that.


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Hi @Pranav_Sundar

Please check the below work flow

I have attached the xaml file also for better understanding
Main.xaml (16.5 KB)



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Hey @Pranav_Sundar
I haven’t check the solution by @vrdabberu, but in the meanwhile I did something myself.
I spent sometime there, so I’ll also share it with you :slight_smile:

Anyway, I don’t think that regex for resumes will be 100% accurate.

My solution:
BlankProcess76.zip (241.9 KB)

Regex: \b[A-Z][A-Za-z.]*\s[A-Z][A-Za-z.]*\b


Thanks a lot for the help @vrdabberu and @pikorpa.

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Hi @Pranav_Sundar

You’re Welcome.

Happy Automation!!

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