I managed to extract table data from body and append to a new excel but now i want to extract the subject and add a new column to the new excel and the subject of the email is to be fulfill in the new column corresponding to the table data extract. How can i do it ? i attach my workflow for reference
VDM.xaml (30.0 KB)
for this workflow when i run it , i run into error at the “Get full text” activities
First of all for emails you can use mail related activities instead of get text and all
And for adding to excel first you can prepare a datatable and write the datatable or use write cel if you know the cell number
Before appending Email data DataTable into Excel, add this logic:
Add Data Column for Email Subject
Assign Activity to assign Email subject to newly added column.
MYDT.Columns("EmailSubject").Expression = "Your Email Subject Variable"
You should be adding this logic while you are iterating the emails and preparing DataTable.