Extract each page in pdf file and save as image

I am new for UIPATH. I want to extract each page of the PDF file as image and save the images into one Pic folder specified. There are total of 50 pages in PDF file. How can this be done?


Hello @yhlll
See PDF activity .there is an activity export PDF page As image.



Refer this

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i have downloaded the package and tried to run in using the community UiPath but encounter license issue. See attached.

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Please restart you system once


I cannot use this pdf page as image as it does not capture those image file correctly. i need to capture page 1 of 30 page pdf file as image, save this page 1 as image file then continue for page 2 etc to page 30 of the file.

Do advise.

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hello @yhlll

I attached a screenshot that working perfectly
try at your end and let me know

Use Uipath.pdf.Activities 2.0.0

Hope its solved your problem




It does not capture the whole image as page by page. Only partial image .

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Run my workflow with my PDF ??

It only extract page 1 of the pdf file. Subsequent pages not able to extract. You declare the count as GenericValue?

May be I declare count as generic value.
You can change as int


The “E:\abc”+count+“.jpeg” will not be able work if it is int. The path itself need to be a string.

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Change E:\abc”+count.tostring()+".jpeg

Count as generic value also work correctly

Thank you so much. It looks working now.

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Great @yhlll