Extract digit value regex

hello guys i need to extract value from pdf that contain

i already tried with [1][1-9]\d{4}.{4}$ but there is no output
help pls

  1. 4 ↩︎

Hi @Aluneth_X,

  • What is exactly the value passed to the Match activity’s RegexOption?

  • Please check in your ForEach activity that item’s type is System.Text.RegurlarExpressions.Match.

  • Check the text provided in “regex” String is as it should be (log message)

  • Check the count of matches by adding a log message before the ForEach: invoice.Count.ToString

  • Replace the Matches activity by an Assign activity for a Match type variable: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(regex, "^4[1-9]\d{4}.{4}$")

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thanks dude i already tried with default option “US Phone Number” and i got all of them like for real tho

Hi @Aluneth_X welcome to Community!

I think you gave range from 1 to 9 but you have 0 also, I don’t know how whole document goes but simple [0-9]+ will do the trick.
You can find screenshot with results.

Hope this is solution for you!


Would you mind try the following pattern? This will expand the matches to these numbers as long as they’re delimited like words.


hello @Aluneth_X

If you just want the number you can use this simple pattern \d{10} or \d{10}\s
it’ll get you all the digits
and if the all digits start from 45000 you can use this pattern to get more accuracy

thanks it worked ! anyway, there is still a little problem there are two value 4500043690 and i want only one value to get. Is it possible?

thanks it worked ! anyway, there is still a little problem there are two value 4500043690 and i want only one value to get. Is it possible?image

can i see your reply before? i want to compare my regex

hello @Aluneth_X
Yes you can see my reply
After getting your matches collection take an assign activity and assign this value
matchhes.Select(Function(r) r.value ).Distinct
it’ll get you all distinct values check this workflow for better understanding
Matches.xaml (10.0 KB)

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Wow crazy
thanks a lot man

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