Hello guys, do you know how to extract this data from PDF?
Thank you
@Aluneth_X You can use regular expression to extract the data
First install PDF Activities from Package Manager.
After that you can use Read PDF activity, and place that information inside a String variable.
After that you can use Regex and String manipulation to extract the information
i did extract the pdf using regex
do you know how to get only 08.05.2019 ?
Since all of these are of same Date format, you could split them using .Split(" "C) String method, and then select the 4th element (at position 3) of array
can you help me with that sir?
i save the output to variable name ‘ExtractedDate’
i don’t understand the split method
thank you
@Aluneth_X Spli by using new line as follows
Assign v1= v1.Split(“\n”.ToCharArray)(3)
i did, but it throws error like this
@Aluneth_X Variable which you displayed in message box Write that variable to text file and check how it’s storing
i changed “\n” into Environment.newline and it works
thank you
@Aluneth_X great you figure it out cheers
Happy learning
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