Execute Webpages' Existing Javascript

I have a website I am automating that has some built-in javascript code. The code is executed similar to links, where it’s essentially on-click. I’ve found the invoke js activity, which from what I can see lets me execute my own javascript code, but how can I just execute javascript that already exists on a webpage? In this example, I don’t need to inject a script.

Here is an example of what I am trying to interact with:

<a href="javascript:testJavascript('231231', '2','');" style="margin-top:2px; display:inline-block;">
									<img class="vmid" src="https://txt.testscript.com" alt="">

Prior to this, I’ve used ui.vision. In ui.vision I can interact with that javascript by using the execute script function of ui.vision. I’m hoping UiPath has something similar. Below is a sample of how it’d be done with ui.vision.

      "Command": "executeScript",
      "Target": "testJavascript('231231', '2','');",
      "Value": "",
      "Description": ""

My goal is to be able to replace the “231231” with a dynamic value via a variable, but otherwise I would just use the existing JS code on the website. Hopefully someone can help point me in the right direction.


Check this out

Alternately you can get the element and send a click to it in inject js


Thanks, i did see that video, but that seems to be injecting new code into the page. For my purpose the code is already present, its part of the page, and i am just trying to call an existing function.

Click wont work because the element isnt always visible. Its a multi-page list, and again with my ui.vision example i am able to execute the function on an element that isn’t actually currently visible on the webpage.

So my question is basically, can i call a function thats already on the webpage and simply provide the input?


you can select whole window in inject js and then use the function as below

testJavascript('231231', '2','');;


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I was able to get this to execute, but for some reason it’s not fully functioning. I got an error that the function doesn’t exist. I’ll have to figure out another solution it seems. I appreciate the help!

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Mostly its looking for the event

Even in uipth you can use simulate or chromium api to send click to a element which is nit visisble

Also can do same from the inject js aslso…but clcik with simulate should solve the issue


Okay, I found a fix. The issue was that I had to adjust the inject JS Script “Execution World” property to be Page, instead of leaving it blank (which I guess defaults to Isolated).

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Glad it worked


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