Execute Query Parameter

When I run the Query my parameter doesn`t send his value. What am I doing wrong?

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Hi @Ricardo_Franco,

Here is the sample that to pass the parameter in the sql server.


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It didn`t work

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What happened ?

My query “INSERT INTO invoices(name) VALUES (@name)” the “@name” its a parameter. And when i execute the query it can`t access the @name value that i set in the parameter as it is in the picture that i post

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Hi @Ricardo_Franco,

Can you send me the xmal ?


Main.xaml (4.1 KB)

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I m using mysql odbc. Did I need some extra package installation?

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Hi @Ricardo_Franco,

Can you please test the connection in odbc like below.


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the connection works

I can send value to the database. The issue is that i can`t get the values of the parameter when i call it like this “@parameterName

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Hi @Ricardo_Franco,
If you run this statement , it works well ?

“INSERT INTO invoices(name) VALUES (‘“& variable &”’)”


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yes. I just can`t use the parameter.
