Execute Query : Execution timeout expired

Hi All,
I am using a database (Historic) which takes 5minutes to 1hr to produce the output table.
I use Execute query with the connection string like : “Data Source=xxxxxxx;Initial Catalog=xxxxx;Integrated Security=True” and the Provider : “System.Data.SqlClient”.

I am getting this error message : the connection has timed out the server at is taking too long to respond

Can anyone please help to understand where I have to pass the timeout value (Time to wait till the query gets output)

Thank You.

Hi, @Reshma! If I’m understanding correctly, there’s a Timeout property for this activity in the ‘Common’ property group. Should be right above the ConnectionString property in the Property Pane of the activity.

Hi @Reshma,

In the Connection Wizard go to Connection Properties click on Advanced and update Connection Timeout and General Timeout Properties. Check the below image.



Thanks for your input. I guess the timeout property you are mentioning doesnot wait for Result Retrieval.


Hi @Ramprasad,

I have only Connection Timeout option. Hope it works. I will check and let know.
Thank You.

Hi @Ramprasad,

I have tried this option and it is not working. Whatever the timeout is, it is failing in 30seconds.