Exchange Application Scope Authentication Protocol Support Deprication - Basic Authentication

Microsoft has announced that basic authentication will be removed for Exchange online services. Does anyone know if authentication protocol in use for the exchange application scope? We are using username/password/servername for all our exchange authentication today and are concerned this will stop working.

Robert, are you using Office 365? If so, try to change to Authentication type

Office 365 settings

ApplicationId - The ID of your Azure Active Directory Application. This field supports only strings and String variables.
AuthenticationType - The authentication options for Office 365. The available options are:
UserNameAndPassword - Standard Username and Password Login.
Interactive - Interactive Token (Auth 2.0).
Windows Integrated - Integrated Windows Authentication.

DirectoryId - The ID of your Azure Active Directory. This field supports only strings and String variables.

We are not currently using the O365 connection settings for the Exchange Application Scopes. This requires further steps to integrate with O365. We have this setup for other interaction and have been testing for SharePoint etc but was not our initial approach on 50+ automation projects. That could certainly be the solution, however, I am hoping we don’t have to modify all of our code to change our Exchange App scopes in every instance.

For those of you leveraging the Exchange Application Scope in your automations. This will likely fail beginning October 1st unless you’re leveraging Office 365 connection settings. I have validated the authentication method being used here and it is leveraging a method that will be deprecated on October 1st. I raised a ticket with UiPath support and there is not any direction publicly available on how to mitigate this with the existing activity. I will update here as I receive more details.


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Running at 50+ automations, might be time to look at the UiPath Integration services or other mechanism to handle the send/receive of emails since that would be precious robot time - obviously this has broader implications but if you need to update a ton of automations it might be worthwhile building outside and then creating the link from UiPath as a single activity :wink:

Unfortunately integration services are not available on premise. Thank you for the suggestions!

Will you be looking to get the 365 auth mechanisms working or do you need to find a workaround?


Thanks for the update.

Does it mean we need to migrate from exchange to 365 by October 1?

Depends on your use. If you are using exchange activity scope with the “logon” section and not leveraging the o365 connection section AND your exchange instance is hosted by Microsoft / online, then yes it’s likely you need to take action.

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Don’t believe any “work arounds” exist. We now have to leverage the o365 authentication options. This is enormously inconvenient as we now need to modify all of our projects in prod to apply this in the code of each project that interacts with email. Thank goodness we use SMTP for sending as our standard, otherwise, our effort would be doubled.

I do not think we use the logon, but anyway thanks

I have confirmed with UiPath support the required steps to be taken to ensure the Exchange Activity Scope is not impacted by Microsoft’s removal of Basic Authentication. The below must be updated anywhere you’re leveraging the Exchange activities to connect to Exchange Online/O365.

  1. Setup O365 application reference:
    **Note: You must also add EWS.AccessAsUser.All as this is not listed in any documentation. Also ensure a global admin applies these permissions to your organization or the permissions will not propagate ref: UiPath Office365 Activity error:" MsalUiRequiredException AADSTS65001 The User or Administrator has not consented to use the application". **

  2. Identify your Application ID and Tenant ID

  3. Remove the user entered properties of the Logon section of the Exchange Activities Scope. The below should be left empty.
    Domain =
    Password =
    SecurePassword =
    User =

  4. Set the following properties:
    Exchange Version = Exchanged2013_SP1 or latest available
    Server = “”
    Application ID: {ID obtained from setting up your O365 application registration}
    AuthenticationType: WindowsIntegrated
    Directory ID: {Tenant ID obtained from setting up your O365 application registration}

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