Exception alert

try catch enclosing invoke sub flow.
No try catch in sub flow.
In this scenario an exception in sub should be caught by main, correct?
But I am getting an exception alert while sub running.

why is that?

Thank you


What type of alert do you have? Can you share it as screenshot etc, if possible?


Coming from Element click. Selector not found exception.

Thank you,


To isolate cause, can you try the following sample? This will catch exception which occurs inside callee workflow in caller (Main.xaml)

Sample20240701-4 (2).zip (5.6 KB)


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Did you happen to run the sub workflow seaparately? If yes then it would give a pop up …

Only when run drom the main workflow where try catch is present it would take effect…

Also I hope there is no rethrow or anything else in the catch block


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If this is happening while debugging, go to Debug menu and enable Continue On exception.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

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