Excel remains blocked

Hy all,

I sometimes encounter this problem:

During the execution of a process with read and/or write Excel calls, Excel instance remains open. Not especially in the same place.

The job is still “Running”, but nothing is happening anymore (for example, I happened to run a test on a Friday evening before leaving. The job remained blocked until Monday morning)

If I go to VDI and kill Excel.exe (task Manager), the job resumes where it was stopped, without loss of data.

I kill Excel before each Excelscope (or workbook components). Adding “kill Excel” after calls seems factidious to me.

Does anyone already have a solution ?

  • robot unattended (2018.4.5)
  • persistent VDI
  • windows 10
  • Excel 365


Instead of using process to kill Excel - we use activity close workbook. :slight_smile:

Try to close your workbooks when done. Should fix your problem

Hi, You can “save workbook” and then “close workbook” and you should be fine.