Hi, I have an excel file. Der are nearly 100 columns in it and the indexes of columns are dynamic. I am using lookup range to get the column header index but it ie fetching the wrong value.
for suppose, AB1 contains “Multiskilled” and AD1 contains “Skill”, in the Lookup range i m given the string “Skill” to search, the output is AB1 as it partially contains the word skill. Is der any way to extract the exact index of the word we have searched.
If you see the lookup properties you have an exact match property…you can check that check box and it should look only for the exact match
Alternately you can use find/replce activity which will give you the cell number of the found value…there you have option to match entite content of the cell instead of a partial match
Hi , in the current excel activities i dont have find/replace activity. If i update now, it will disturb the other codes. So is der any way to solve this with tye existing packages