Excel Copy Sheet to another File

How can we use Excel Application Scope and Create copy from Current Excel File to another File?


  1. Abc.xlsx contains Sheet1 , Sheet2

  2. So Create New.xlsx contains Sheet6 (In Sheet 6 it should contain same data as Sheet1 from Abc.xlsx

@anmita First you need to read sheet1 and save it in datatable then
create another file with sheet name sheet6 and write datatble in it.

HI @anmita

Try this

Read the Sheet 1 from abc.xlsx and write range in the New.xlsx in sheet 6


Read Range into a datatable from the first file, Write Range to the second file with a sheet name that doesn’t already exist.

Hii @raja.arslankhan , @Sudharsan_Ka , @postwick

I tried the methods suggested but its giving an Exception. Could you share a xml file if possible

Thanks and Regards

Can you share the screenshot of activities and the exception?

Hii @Sudharsan_Ka

Its Shows this Error

Are you sure you are using correct datatable variable which you used for the read range above?

Yes have used the same one @Sudharsan_Ka

Make sure you don’t have it defined twice. Search the variable name using Universal Search and see if it appears twice.

Hello @anmita

Please check whether the below video can help to solve the issue.
