Hey @bhavana_kolli ,
Excel Application Scope
Read Range (Output: inputDataTable)
For Each Row in inputDataTable
Left side: row(“Capital”)
Right side: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(row(“Capital”).ToString, “[.*?]”, “”).Trim()
Excel Write Range (Input: inputDataTable)
Try this
I have used your input and below is the file as per your requirement
BlankProcess.zip (10.5 KB)
Below is the output Screenshot
Hope it helps you out
hai @bhavana_kolli
By using split Function we can remove…
inputstr.split(" "c)(0)
will get the 1st index value.
yourstring.split(" "c)(0).tostring
it is throwing error like complete activity
@bhavana_kolli Can you please send us the screenshot of the error and also which activity is throwing the error
Have you tried the xaml file that i have attached with the above response , It worked fine in my environment
done in anaother way,tqs for your attention