Excel Application Scope: Exception

Hey Everyone,

I need help with my robot.
When i am trying to open an Excel file I have an exception :
Excel Application Scope: L’appel a été rejeté par l’appelé. (Exception de HRESULT : 0x80010001 (RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED))

I think the problem is my Excel file because I don’t have it with another one.

If someone can have a look it will help me so much !

AdrienneBilanMensuelAirbus.zip (2.9 MB)

try to save as the excel file with different name and try to run the automation again with the new excel file path

Hello @AdrieMrchl,
I saw this issue in the last 2 versions of UiPath Studio, community edition.

For me, what I did, I put 3 seconds to wait, before opening the Excel. My process tried to open Excel and update some sheets somewhere in the middle of the process.

I did not saw that issue anymore. Maybe it helps!
