Errors in email automation

I have 2 errors:

Argument ‘condition’: BC30456: ‘Subject’ is not a member of ‘String’.


BC30311: value of type ‘String’ cannot be converted to ‘MailMessage’. The selected value is incompatible with the property type.

I’ve done everything like the lab exercise manual says. Hmm not sure how to fix this?

We can go one by one

Argument ‘condition’: BC30456: ‘Subject’ is not a member of ‘String’.

Subject’ is not a member of ‘String’: This error typically occurs when you’re trying to access a property or method called ‘Subject’ on a variable of type ‘String,’ but ‘String’ does not have a ‘Subject’ property or method. Make sure you’re operating on the correct object or type.

BC30311: value of type ‘String’ cannot be converted to ‘MailMessage’. The selected value is incompatible with the property type.

value of type ‘String’ cannot be converted to ‘MailMessage’: This error suggests that you are trying to assign a ‘String’ to a variable or property that expects a ‘MailMessage.’ You need to ensure that you are assigning the correct types. Check your code to make sure you’re using ‘MailMessage’ where it’s expected and ‘String’ where appropriate

you can try this in the if conditions




for reference you can see the screenshot


Hi @Sara_Piana
1st error


2nd error


This will solve the error.


Let me know its working or not for you


I managed to fix the second error “item”
But I tried fixing the first error: item.Subject.Contains(“Resume”) but it’s still showing error. I tried both ways like you showed but it’s not fixing the error, so weird :thinking:

Hi @Sara_Piana

Try this syntax in If condition:

item.Subject IsNot Nothing AndAlso item.Subject.Contains("Resume")


I tried it and this error popped up:


Try this:

item.ToString.Subject IsNot Nothing AndAlso item.ToString.Subject.Contains("Resume")


Before the If condition take an assign activity and give below syntax:

Assign=> MailSubject= item.Subject
  MailSubject IsNot Nothing AndAlso MailSubject.Contains("resume")
    //do required process
    //do required process
End If


It worked! Yay thank you so much😃

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I did want to ask one thing.
So there are no errors anymore but when I clicked run this came up:

What does that mean?

You’re welcome @Sara_Piana

Happy Automation


Make sure your credentials are right and port number and server number are also right.


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