Error While using Regex

Hi Folks,

When i’m trying to confirm that my expression is working fine it returns “System.Linq.Enumerable+d__94`1[System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match]” as a result.

I need to extract the invoice no and invoice date.

Please help me on this.

@Anil_G Awaiting for your response


HI @sharu_priya

If you use the matches activity you need to give like

OutputVariable(matchoccurence number)




The output of matches activity is ienum(Match) so to access each match follow below steps

  1. Use for loop with in argument as matches output variable and change type argument to match(initially it would be object)
  2. Inside the loop currentitem.value will give the value of each match it has identified

If you are sure you would get only one match then use matchesvar(0).value


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